
High-Tech Enterprise Certificate

Summary : We warmly congratulate our company on receiving the "High-Tech Enterprise Certificate." The certificate was awarded by the Shanghai Municipal Science and Technology Commission, the Shanghai Municipal Finance Bureau, and the Shanghai Municipal Tax Service of the State Taxation Administratio...

We warmly congratulate our company on receiving the "High-Tech Enterprise Certificate." The certificate was awarded by the Shanghai Municipal Science and Technology Commission, the Shanghai Municipal Finance Bureau, and the Shanghai Municipal Tax Service of the State Taxation Administration.

The High-Tech Enterprise designation is a special qualification established by the state to support and encourage the development of high-tech enterprises, adjust the industrial structure, and enhance the country's economic competitiveness. It holds a very important strategic position in China's economic development. For over ten years, high-tech enterprises have received great attention from governments at all levels, which have implemented various policy measures to encourage and support their growth.

The selection criteria for being recognized as a high-tech enterprise are extremely stringent and require a multi-layered evaluation process. The qualifications primarily include the following conditions: core technologies must have independent intellectual property rights, products or services must fall within the scope of high-tech fields, the company must demonstrate the ability to convert scientific and technological achievements, investment in research and development, a high proportion of scientific and technical personnel, and growth indicators.

Being recognized as a high-tech enterprise will undoubtedly further promote the company's progress in independent innovation and independent research and development, marking yet another milestone in the company's development history.