Whether in hotels or communities, The Ritz-Carlton always upholds its commitment to excellence in service and business philosophy, offering a consistently luxurious experience worldwide.

A century ago, The Ritz-Carlton pioneered the integration of luxury quality into the hotel experience, revolutionizing the American hotel industry. Today, we uphold the tradition of relentless innovation and attentive service, dedicated to creating extraordinary lodging experiences for our guests.

During the construction process, the hotel technology and operations teams, consultants, and other parties have different perspectives and starting points.
The project management team needs to assist in coordinating and organizing these efforts, ensuring effective communication, and providing efficient solutions to any problems that arise.

During the project execution phase, Plus Space was responsible for coordinating and organizing more than 100 meetings, reviewing key milestones, identifying critical issues and deadlines, and rolling out resolutions to ensure closure

We have completed the construction interface division for each professional's entry time into the project, clearly defining safety management, design, material approval processes, and various stage acceptance procedures, ensuring a clear and smooth execution process for the entire project.

The construction period of this project is relatively long, with many preconditions affecting its implementation. We have established a deep communication channel with the relevant regulatory interpretation units, focusing on process communication, addressing questions and risks proactively, laying a solid foundation for the smooth final acceptance of the project.