QST was founded in 2012. The company focuses on the design, manufacturing, and value-added applications and services of high-quality sensor products.
It is committed to becoming an application-oriented multi-sensor platform, providing intelligent, integrated, and cost-effective sensor solutions.

With the rapid advancement of technology, chips have become an indispensable part of modern society.
To ensure the quality and reliability of chips, the construction and renovation of chip testing laboratories have become particularly important.

A reasonable layout, along with good ventilation and lighting, are essential conditions for a laboratory.
The ventilation system can reduce the accumulation of dust and harmful gases, thereby preventing health impacts on the staff.
Adequate lighting helps maintain the cleanliness and hygiene of the laboratory.

Chip testing requires precise equipment and instruments, making noise control very important.
To reduce the impact of noise on staff, it is necessary to choose low-noise equipment and implement other noise reduction measures.